My Why. What’s Yours?

Backstep Forward Newsletter

by Kyle Mast

A short, to-the-point, weekly newsletter.

One challenge to take a step back.

One idea to propel you forward.

What is your “why”? Don’t stay on the surface of this question. Go deep enough to find a purpose that will truly sustain you through all this life throws at you. (Share this on Twitter)

This week, we are taking a step back from the Planning Retreat series. Really, this topic is central to the entire retreat process, but it also stands on its own.

Why are you reading these newsletters? Why are you trying to be more intentional with your life? Why does it even matter?

I received an email from a childhood friend and his wife last night. They are people I deeply respect who share the same values and faith that I do. The email was beautifully written to challenge me in an incredibly loving way. While I can’t share the whole email here, this was the basic gist,

“Kyle, your newsletters are good, but you’re not giving everyone the full picture behind what drives you.”

Man, they are right.

So here it is. I sprinkle this in from time to time in my writing and podcast appearances, but I am driven by a deep longing, gratitude, and drive to serve and follow my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I’m not someone who simply calls himself a “Christian.” I am a broken, failing, all-the-time messing up, deeply thankful follower of the God of the universe who is serious about trying to live out my faith.

Hopefully, I didn’t lose all of you who are not currently followers of Jesus. I am going somewhere with this. My point here is that my “why” for planning, goal-setting, financial independence, prioritizing my family, prioritizing service, and giving is deep. My faith in Jesus, his sacrifice for me, and my unending gratitude for that flows through every part of my being. Though I fail often, it is the filter through which I strive to make every decision. Thankfully, God is far more patient, more kind, and more forgiving than I could ever deserve.

My “why” drives me when I feel ambitious, sustains me when I feel like a sloth, and picks me up when I fall down, time and time again.

Backstep (I’ve got two for you this week)

1) Have you received really good feedback recently from someone you respect? Have you heeded it and searched its depths, or did you just move on?

2) What is your “why?” Is it deep enough? Financial independence is not a deep enough “why.” More free time is not deep enough.


1) Revisit that conversation where feedback was offered. Really think through what is being offered and don’t discount it. For someone who truly has your best interest at heart, it can often be difficult to offer you any form of criticism. Try to appreciate their courage and faithfulness in offering you their thoughts.

2) Search for your “why” and ask yourself if it is deep enough to sustain you through all that this life will throw at you. This may seem heavy and will take time, but this is what life is about. Don’t give up on this question. To all my readers, Jesus-follower or not, I am always up for a conversation on my “why” and yours. And if you’re up for a great book on the existence of God, Reason for God is one of my favorites.

What is your “why”? Don’t stay on the surface of this question. Go deep enough to find a purpose that will truly sustain you through all this life throws at you. (Share this on Twitter)

Kyle Mast

Christ follower, blessed husband, growing father, business founder/owner/seller, real estate investor.

Kyle Mast